Frequently Asked Questions

1Which direction should I do the route?
As a circular route the Rhins of Galloway Coast Path can be done in either direction. This website is set up assuming that you will do the route anti-clockwise starting in Stranraer but it is just as good to do the route clockwise or to start and finish from any other point on the way.
2Can I do the Rhins of Galloway Coastal Path on a mountain bike?
The Rhins of Galloway Coast Path has many sections that are very difficult if not impossible to cycle. For this reason we do not recommend cycling the route.

Having said that, Scottish Outdoor Access Code includes access by bike so you can cycle along the route as long as you act responsibly. This means not damaging anything as you pass and not causing any harm to wildlife, farm animals or crops. It also requires you to be courteous and give way to other route users.

For more information please go to the Outdoor Access Code Website.

3Is wild camping allowed on the Coastal Path?
The Scottish Outdoor Access Code allows wild camping. This type of camping is lightweight, done in small numbers and only for one or two nights in any one place.

The two important things to remember are to choose a responsible site to camp in and to leave no trace after you leave.

A good site to camp will be away from cultivated fields, livestock and any buildings. Be careful to avoid disturbing deer stalking or grouse shooting.

When you leave you must be careful to clear up all litter, clear all trace of your tent pitch and any fire site.

For more information please go to the Outdoor Access Code Website.
4Am I allowed to light a fire?
According to the Scottish Outdoor Access Code fires are allowed in certain circumstances. You must be responsible when lighting a fire and this can be difficult.

If there is any chance of the fire spreading then it is not responsible to light one. In very hot weather fires are never acceptable as the chance of causing a wildfire is far too high. It is also never acceptable to light a fire in coniferous woodland. The sap of coniferous trees is flammable so even in wet weather you could cause a forest fire. Also any ground that is peat is highly flammable. A fire lit on peat can set fire to the soil. Even when you have put out the fire there could still be enough heat under the ground for the peat to ignite. Fire can spread a considerable distance underground before coming back to the surface elsewhere. Lighting a fire on peat soil is never a responsible thing to do.

The Rhins of Galloway Coast Path goes through a lot of farmland where it is not responsible to light a fire due to the risk of damage to crops or livestock. Because of this we would always recommend using a camping stove for cooking rather than a camp fire.

For more information please go to the Outdoor Access Code Website.
5Can I use my phone to navigate or do I need to use a map and compass?
You should always have a map and compass with you and know how to navigate using them.

There are waymarks showing the way along the entire length of the route. There are however areas across open moorland where it can be some distance between waymark posts. There can also be areas where posts have fallen over or are obscured by vegetation.

GPS devices and smartphones are a very good way to navigate but they are reliant on batteries and signals. We would always recommend taking a phone but you should not rely on it.

The entire of the Rhins of Galloway Coast Path can be found on just one OS map, Explorer 309, Stranraer and the Rhins. This map is ideal for navigating the route.

6How many days will it take to complete the route?
We have split the route into 6 sections of between 12 and 15 miles. Each of these should be possible for an experienced walker to complete in a day. However a lot of the route is wild and remote with a significant amount of uphill and downhill sections. Many people will therefore want to take more time to enjoy the scenery, wildlife and history of the area.
7When is the best time of year to do the path?
The route can be done at any time of year but will provide a different experience depending on the season. In winter the route can be very hard as there are large sections of the route on the exposed west coast.

In late spring and summer Southern Scotland can still be wet so be prepared for all weather conditions.

We think that May or September could be the best time of year to do the route as the weather is likely to be good. You also have plenty of light in the evening and the midges and ticks not as bad.
8Do I need to book accommodation?
Yes. There are several areas of the route where there are only a small number of accommodation providers. Even in busier areas we would always recommend booking to be sure of having somewhere to stay. At quieter times of year some B&Bs and Hotels will be closed so even then booking is a good idea. The only time we would suggest doing the route without booking is when you are happy to wild camp.

Details of accommodation along the route can be found on our interactive map.
9Is baggage transfer available?
Yes baggage transfer for the Rhins of Galloway Coast Path is provided by Harvey's Hikes.
10Are ticks and Lymes disease a problem?

Ticks are small invertebrates similar to spiders which are common in woodland and open moorland where they feed off sheep and deer. They are also known to bite humans and can pass on Lymes Disease. They are common in Southern Scotland but are not normally a problem if you take a few simple precautions.

They will bite and attach themselves to dogs and people and once attached will remain there for several days feeding on the blood of the host. Once they have finished feeding they will fall off.

Not all ticks will carry the disease. In some, but not all cases when the disease is passed on a rash will develop in a ring around the bite.

After spending time out on the Rhins of Galloway Coast Path you should always check yourself thoroughly for ticks and remove any that are attached. You should carry a special removal tool to ensure that the whole tick is removed.

If you see a rash or feel feverish and tired after a tick bite you should contact your doctor.

For more information go to Lyme Disease Action.
11Are midges a problem on the Coastal Path?

During warm wet weather in the Spring and Summer there can be a lot of midges in Southern Scotland. They are very seldom bad enough to spoil a day out on the Rhins and a few simple precautions will normally keep them from being a bother.

Midges do not tend to fly if it is dry or if it is windy so the number of days that you will find them is limited. They tend to keep to low lying areas near water. Although places along the route can be full of them you will not be in these places for very long.

If you do come across midges there are several insect repellents such as Smidge or Skin so Soft that will keep them away. If all else fails a midge net that covers your face will ensure they cannot trouble you. In the evening if you cannot light a fire to keep them away then citronella candles can be used instead.
12Can I bring my dog with me?
Your dog is very welcome to come and do the Rhins of Galloway Coast Path with you. We often take our own dogs out on the way. There are a few things that we would ask you do do when out with your dog.

Large sections of the route go through farmland with livestock. Dogs should be kept under very close control, ideally on a lead when going through areas with livestock. If there are lambs or calves in a field then you must not take your dog into that field and must find another way around. Because of this you should always check before taking your dog onto a part of the route that goes through farmland.
13Are there any information leaflets available for the route?
Yes, a series of information leaflets has been produced on the history wildlife and culture of the Rhins of Galloway. They can be downloaded here.