Culreoch Gun Emplacements
April 12, 2022Caves of Kilhern
April 13, 2022Standing Stones of Glenterrow
Evidence of bronze age life covers this moorland. Hut circles show the sites of settlements and there are also burnt mounds. These mysterious sites were possibly used for cooking or heating water.
About half a mile further along this road in the field on the right are the Standing Stones of Glenterrow. This is a group of four small standing stones in a circle and one stone further out. These are a ceremonial site likely to date from the bronze age. It is an example of a four poster stone circle with an outlier stone.
Closer to the line of the Southern Upland Way are the Stepping Stones of Glenterrow. This is a line of large stones placed into the peat. The stones are set about 60cm apart and run across the moss for about 400 metres. They are thought to be either a boundary or possible a way of crossing an area of peat. They are now buried in the peat and are no longer visible.